PickleMama Designs

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Creations!

I haven't been posting like I wanted to...sorry!  I was planning my daughter's 2nd birthday party and creating new things, so I was having FUN!!!  I'll do a post with everything from my daughter's party a little later.  Now, I thought I'd share the invitation I created for a friend that gave a Vegas-themed wedding reception.  It was two-sided, so here's the front...
And the back...

Then she was going to have a cake made, but it would have been covered in fondant and the couple doesn't like the taste of fondant, so she asked if I could help.  Well, a cake like she wanted and without fondant...the only idea I had was to make the decorations out of chocolate and candy coatings, so this is how it turned out.

I like it!  And all that chocolate was yummy!  I hope the happy couple liked it too!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm really still here!

Sorry, I have had a lot going on personally and I had to "take-off" for a while, but I'm back now.  I wish I was one of those people that blogged about everything going on in their life, but I just have a hard time posting all of that.  I will say, that my Dad is in a much better place now and not in pain anymore and we are all thankful for that.

Now, I'm thinking of changing the direction of PickleMama Designs.  I still love to create party invitations and anything party related, but I have started making bows for my daughters and even bottlecaps to go on them and bottlecap necklaces...so maybe I can tie them into the party themes somehow...hmmmm.  Well, I've just been thinking about a lot of stuff lately but don't have the motivation right now to just do it!  My friend called today wanting me to design a Vegas themed wedding shower invite since the couple is going to get married in Vegas soon and then another friend is already thinking about her son's 4th birthday party in September with a pirate theme...so I have a few things to work on at the same time I'm planning my daughter's 2nd birthday party that's an art theme...should be fun!  I also just realized I never posted anything about my other daughter's Candy Shoppe 3rd birthday party last October!  So I'll post it soon and anything else I'm working on.